Preserving cultural identity
Route along the GR-48 Long Distance Path, passing through the municipality of Posadas (Córdoba, Spain).
In recent years, the term sustainability has acquired a greater interest in various fields, especially the younger generations, who have expressed concern about caring for the environment and the impact of economic activities on society. Globally, there is a growing understanding of the increasingly notorious effects of environmental and social damage.
Today we will learn about some of the benefits of implementing sustainable practices in tourist destinations; we will understand what sustainable decisions we can make as visitors to a destination and why it is important to preserve the identity of the community that will welcome us. Juan Luis Pons Rubio and Genma Torres de la Rosa, who are experts in tourism and sustainable development, will briefly share their knowledge about it.
How would you define sustainable tourism?
Before defining "sustainable tourism", it is important to know another term: "sustainable development", which has a big significance that began to spread in 1992 at Rio de Janeiro Conference Nations. Basically, "sustainable development" attends to current needs, thinking of the future of the next generations. It's a simple explanation, but complex to carry out.
How can we achieve it?
Keeping in mind three basic pillars of development: On one hand, economic development, on the other hand, social development, and furthermore the development or protection of the environment.
Then, based on this reflection, sustainable tourism would be a tourist activity that, while respecting the environment, achieves an economic development of the destination, without causing social inequalities.
How does sustainable tourism benefit a destination?
To be able to consider truly sustainable development and, therefore, great sustainable tourism requires counting on the help of the citizen participation of the villages/cities where its development programs or projects. In this way, the inhabitants of the destination become fundamental actors to define the future in the short, medium, and long term. This is essential for any sustainable tourism action that is successful over time. This kind of tourism also provides other benefits based on strengthening the cultural identity, preserving, and enhancing the environment according to the project of the place.
Why should a destination implement sustainable practices?
Because it is the most effective way to achieve conservation and enhancement of the natural environment, sustainable practices can benefit the local population through decision-making, employment, and people's identification with the tourism project. Certain sustainable practices can help us save water and energy, which will result in economic savings in any sustainable tourism project and the protection of the environment. The reduction of waste and the consumption of local, ecological, or seasonal products are other options that can be chosen and have a positive impact on the destination.
In what way does sustainable tourism protect natural and cultural heritage?
All human activity implies the consumption of resources, sometimes natural and sometimes cultural, or both. Tourism, as an economic activity, also consumes resources. The sustainability of tourism implies that these resources are going to be consumed and have to be made in a balanced way so that they can be enjoyed in the short, medium, and long term.
Sustainable tourism projects must go beyond compliance with applicable environmental regulations and have an ethical commitment to the natural and cultural environment in which it takes place, using it, but preserving it and putting it in value.
How can a visitor apply sustainable principles when traveling? What benefits could you get?
The visitor who takes a means of transport to go to a tourist destination has the decision-making power to travel in a sustainable way. You can use collective transport such as the train or use a private vehicle, whether electric, hybrid, or biofuel. You can also combine the car, once at the destination, with public transport or bicycle. The use of minimal transport contributes to the reduction of polluting gases or the greenhouse effect than to climate change. In addition, the use of a bicycle is positive for our physical health.
We can also decide on the choice of our trip by selecting the accommodation if it has certifications of environmental management, tourist quality, or sustainable responsibility with the territory. Other sustainable consumption options will affect the destination and our experience as tourists.
Palmitar del Parque Periurbano La Sierrezuela, in the municipality of Posadas (Córdoba, Spain).
When receiving visitors, interaction with the local community is generated. How could we reduce the impact of the interaction with the local culture?
The meeting between the visitors and the local population is something positive since there is a relationship of exchange of culture, customs, experiences, etc. However, on some occasions, such as in destinations subject to high tourist pressure, this positive balance can break down and cause problems at the destination. These problems can be environmental, but also sociocultural. The history of the place, customs, or traditions can be seriously affected. For this, when we visit a place with a culture different from ours, we must do so without prejudice, showing tolerance and, above all, respecting other ways of living.
It is about interacting with the local people, tasting their gastronomy, learning about their culture through their festivals and traditions. This can be achieved by choosing the services of local tourist companies; on the other hand, it would contribute to local employment.
What actions can businesses with a tourist focus implement to maintain local identity?
Tourism companies must bet on the preservation of local identity; they can propose some business strategies related to traditional gastronomy, tourist routes based on history, or tourism-oriented crafts, among others. Equally important is the hiring of local people since these workers will, in most cases, maintain their local identity.
Another fundamental line is the collaboration between local businesses. In the event that in the destination there is a participation or advisory body linked to the City Council, it is advisable to be present. Such is the case of the Tourism Board that some municipalities have. From these forums, tourism companies know first-hand the local reality and can meet other local businesses and associations, and it is also of great benefit to be in continuous contact with the Local Government.
Artisans from Posadas (Córdoba, Spain) of the Association of Traditional Basketmakers, make baskets and other objects with olive branches.